Training your Virtual Executive Assistant up for Success
So you’ve just found the Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA) that’s the ‘right fit,’ for you and you’re excited to finally get the much needed help with a variety of tasks. Not so fast though — remember, patience and the right training will ensure the longevity and success of your new VEA in their role.
Your ultimate goal is to have a VEA that will work seamlessly and efficiently and will free up your time, allowing you to focus on what matters most — growing your business. This process can take months, but with the right steps, you can have your VEA started on more minor tasks until you’re fully confident in delegating more important ones.
Speeding it up, will slow you down
Studies show that employees who receive poor or little training, generally don’t last a year at their job, so making sure you take the time to fully get your new VEA trained up to speed will help minimize the chances of you falling into a cycle of training a new assistant again and again.
Be transparent
Even as early as the hiring process, being transparent with your potential VEA with what the job entails and keeping strong communication throughout the training process can go a long way. This gives you confidence in knowing that your new hire knows exactly what to expect, has all the skills you’re looking for, and is the best fitted to handle all the tasks needed.
Warm welcome and well thought out training plan
A new VEA is like an extension of yourself — like family at work, so be sure to give them a warm welcome. Coordinate a (virtual) meet and greet and allow everyone to properly introduce themselves and make your new team member feel at home.
Think of everything you would need to do a good job, such as a list of all the programs and logins, all the key contacts, reference guides and documents, and a training timeline.
Let your VEA know that all questions are welcomed and be sure to allow lots of repetition on tasks before moving on to a new one. Be sure to keep all lines of communication open and to schedule frequent meetings to check on progress and even get feedback on whether you can better assist in the process.
If you need help looking for a VEA that best suits what you’re looking for and guidance to properly training them to be a great asset on your team, contact D’Agency — we can help!
Training your Virtual Executive Assistant up for Success
Sharon Dinh
So you’ve just found the Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA) that’s the ‘right fit,’ for you and you’re excited to finally get the much needed help with a variety of different tasks. Not so fast though — remember, patience and the right training will ensure the longevity and success of your new VEA in their role.